

Yes! I have finally gotten over to the Beta site! It was really quick, I got it done at school. There's this handy little button marked ' switch to beta now' and I hit it and I switched. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I saw it, so I can't help anyone else...
The site is still being designed. Nyx only has to draw what the site will look like, I however have to program it. And I have no clue how to program. We'll update you when I've taken a few tutorials and Nyx has lowered her expectations on me. It is not possible to be sucked into a computer.



This is my blog site that will eventually have updates on my website. However, my manager, Kat is having problems coming over to the beta side and I will have to wait until the blogger administrators solve the problem. The site itself, which is called Nyx's Haunt, is still being developed. The main page will be up hopefully by Febuary, with working links. Terribly sorry for the wait. Kat and I are working as fast as we can. Thank you for your patience.

- Nyx